
Colombia Natural Hydrohoney Chiroso: Jhoan Vergara



Roasting to order

With complex traditional processing methods , the hydro-honey process takes things to a whole new level. This process combines parts of the washed, natural and honey processes to create incredible coffee.

  1. Ripe coffee cherries are picked and harvested in the morning.
  2. The liquid from the cherry is measured for sugar content. To do this, some cherry juice is squeezed out and measured using a refractometer. The ideal sugar content is 23-25 Brix (g sugar/100g liquid). If the cherry has the correct sugar content, it is ready for drying.
  3. Coffee is placed on drying beds to be sun dried for four to eight days in the same way that natural process coffees are handled
  4. Cherries are then rehydrated for 18-24 hours. This step is similar to washed process coffees.
  5. The cherries are then de-pulped and dried again for 12-15 days, creating a similar result to the honey process.

Hydro honey process is and incredibly labor-intensive and expensive processing method, but the results are incredible.

  • Grading: TC Extreme beans (independent cup score 89.5)
  • Notes: Honey, winey and tropical into a wine and spice finish
  • Body: moderate to heavy. Full and coating mouthfeel
  • Acidity: tangy
  • Roast: filter-omniroast-light espresso
  • Drink: from day 7 (espresso), roast day (filter)

Additional information

Weight 0.51 kg
Dimensions 28 × 17 × 10 cm

80g filter, 80g light espresso, 500 filter, 500g light roast espresso

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Colombia Natural Hydrohoney Chiroso: Jhoan Vergara
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