Roasted March 18
Released in 2024 and this blend has rapidly become our #2 most popular roasted offer.
This bang for buck blend includes some of our all-time favourite origins, but won’t break the bank. During lockdown, you knew the ancestor of this blend as “Shit Show” which was only ever a guess in terms of proportions. Now the back of house work has been done and it has gained a permanent position on our range as Northcote blend. It’s far better in our opinion.
Similar blends sell elsewhere in the vicinity of $80/kg and this one should be in that price range as well but we’re here to help. You won’t see competitors using Gr 1 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe in theirs though. They can’t afford to! Northcote blend is the perfect all-rounder and as always, it’s super fresh and contains no cheap filler beans. We offer all of the components in our rotating single origin selection, so you can be assured that they’re good.
In it, and in order of decreasing percentage there are: A super sweet sweet Colombia Excelso, a chocolatey Brazil and a really good Ethiopia Yirgacheffe. It’s a medium (espresso) roast and will work well any way you choose.
- Grading: High specialty- blend
- Notes: milk chocolate, caramel, citrus, honey, nut.
- Body: mid-full
- Acidity: low-mid citrus
- Roast: Milk/espresso
- Drink: from day 7
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