Talk Coffee Service Authorisation Talk Coffee Service Authorisation Form Please complete this form to accompany your equipment to be serviced. Your name*Email* Phone*So we can contact you should there be any issues we need to discuss with you. Place of purchase*Brand and Model*Approximate date and provider of last service*Works to be completed:* General Service Troubleshoot Warranty service Repair Please choose as required from the checkboxes above: What's coming?* Drip tray with machine No drip tray cover No cup guard Tank with the machine No tank cover No portafilter Grinders: no hopper unless required for operation Grinders: no dregs tray Machine and grinder service: Please include/remove the items listed above Talk Coffee accepts no liability for loss of non-required items during repair if left with machine. Please indicate where relevant:Please provide details of any known faults or concerns with your equipment*Images or files if you need to send them to usMax. file size: 128 MB.Consent* I consent to the service terms below:I acknowledge that a routine service of my machine will cost anywhere from $400-600. I further understand that repairs and/or modifications will be in excess of that amount and should the requirement for a costly repair be diagnosed during the service process, I will be contacted for further discussion. I have thoroughly read, acknowledge and accept all service conditions listed at In addition, I have read and accept all of the above information.Date* Day Month Year CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ